AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-27Add an item to the roadmapHEADmasterFreemor
2019-11-27Make a simple roadmap.Freemor
2019-11-27Make the build output a little more sensibleFreemor
2019-11-27initial work on a Script to export cleaned source tarballsFreemor
2019-10-31Now watches and block /24s, max_ho raised to adjust to watching /24sFreemor
2019-10-29Add whitelist featureFreemor
2019-10-27Well, that was unreliable..Freemor
2019-10-26Code and output clean-ups.Freemor
2019-10-25Add SYN_peek (for checking the outward side of the firewall to see if a ↵Freemor
flood is still ongoing)
2019-10-25Oh! fix that not working e-mail alert flagFreemor
2019-10-25Update the README.txt someFreemor
2019-09-05A few touch ups.Freemor
2019-09-02Added README.txtFreemor
2019-09-02Initial commit.Freemor
These are tools that I use to help track and manage bad IP addresses and SYN floods. Will add README.txt next