diff options
authorbill-auger <>2022-09-21 05:39:48 -0400
committerbill-auger <>2022-09-21 09:06:25 -0400
commit208bf7b187bb61987a128c3a91b1324dc99f2cdb (patch)
parent0105834b536e09ce5d15969ba1cb2e32ab957942 (diff)
[maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents]: account for duplicate packages with different depsmerge-nonsystemd
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents b/src/maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents
index 4e6b7dc..0125f86 100755
--- a/src/maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents
+++ b/src/maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ readonly DEBUG=0
readonly BE_VERBOSE=$( [[ "${1}" == '-v' ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 ) ; (( $BE_VERBOSE )) && shift ;
readonly PKGBUILD_SED_RX='s|/PKGBUILD$|| ; s|([^/]*/)?([^/]+)/([^/]+)$|\2 \3|'
readonly DEP=$( sed -E "${PKGBUILD_SED_RX}" <<<${1} | cut -d ' ' -f 2 )
+readonly TRANSITIVE_DEP_RX='( <- [^ ]*)'
+readonly DEP_RX='([a-z]*)/([^ ]*)'
# readonly REPOS=( nonprism nonsystemd{-testing,} libre{-testing,}
readonly REPOS=( nonprism{-testing,} nonsystemd{-testing,} libre{-testing,}
@@ -233,24 +236,62 @@ export PATH="/code/pacman-contrib/src:${PATH}"
- local dep_chains dep_chain dep_pkg via_pkg repos repo
+ local dep_chains dep_chain
+ local via_pkg transitive_pkg found_repo dep_pkg
+ local repos_deps=() repo_deps dep_repo dep_deps
# query database for dependents
Log "querying database ...."
- mapfile -t dep_chains < <(pactree ${PACTREE_OPTS} ${DEP} | sort)
+ mapfile -t dep_chains < <(pactree ${PACTREE_OPTS} ${DEP})
# compile results
Log "compiling results ...."
for dep_chain in "${dep_chains[@]}"
- do # example dep_chains:
- # first-order dep: '[$DEP] <- $dep_pkg'
- # high-order dep: '[$DEP] <- $via_pkg <- transitive_dep <- $dep_pkg'
- dep_pkg=$(sed 's|.*<- ||' <<<${dep_chain})
- via_pkg=$(sed 's|.*\] <- \([^ ]*\).*|\1|' <<<${dep_chain})
- repos="$(pacman ${PACMAN_OPTS} -Si ${dep_pkg} | grep Repository | \
- cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' ' )"
- for repo in ${repos}
- do if IsArchRepo ${repo}
+ do # `pactree` will only report one dependent package,
+ # even if packages with duplicate names exist in different repos.
+ # Presumably, it selects the first repo in pacman.conf order, as does `pacman`.
+ # This is problematic for the purpose of this script;
+ # because those duplicates do not necessarily have the same dependencies.
+ # In fact, that is a primary motivation for having duplicate packages.
+ # So, in order to ignore packages with duplicate names,
+ # which are not actually in the dependency chain of the input package,
+ # and to report packages with duplicate names
+ # which are actually in the dependency chain of the input package,
+ # we need to capture the first-order dependent ($via_pkg),
+ # the highest-order dependent ($dep_pkg),
+ # and the highest-order transitive dependent ($transitive_pkg).
+ # $via_pkg is the chain root node, and may be empty,
+ # if $dep_pkg is a direct dependent of the input package (example #1).
+ # $transitive_pkg is the direct dependency of the leaf node, and may be empty,
+ # if $dep_pkg is a direct dependent of the input package (example #1),
+ # or if $via_pkg is a direct dependent of $dep_pkg (example #2).
+ # $dep_repo is the repo containing the leaf node package under present scrutiny.
+ # $dep_pkg is the leaf node package under present scrutiny.
+ #
+ # Example dep_chains:
+ # 1. first-order dep: '[$DEP] <- $found_repo/$dep_pkg'
+ # 2. second-order dep: '[$DEP] <- $via_pkg <- $found_repo/$dep_pkg'
+ # 3. high-order dep: '[$DEP] <- $via_pkg <- $transitive_pkg <- $found_repo/$dep_pkg'
+ [[ "${dep_chain}" =~ ${DEP_CHAIN_RX} ]] || Exit "script regex error"
+ via_pkg=${BASH_REMATCH[1]/ <- /}
+ transitive_pkg=${BASH_REMATCH[2]/ <- /}
+ found_repo=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
+ dep_pkg=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}
+ mapfile -t repos_deps < <( ( expac ${PACMAN_OPTS} -Ss '%r/%n %D' -l ' ' ${dep_pkg} | \
+ grep ^[^/]*/${dep_pkg}\ [^/]*$ || : ) | \
+ sed "s|/${dep_pkg} | |" )
+ for repo_deps in "${repos_deps[@]}"
+ do dep_repo=$( cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<<${repo_deps})
+ dep_deps="$(cut -d ' ' -f 2- <<<${repo_deps})"
+ if [[ " ${dep_deps} " =~ ' '(${DEP}|${via_pkg}|${transitive_pkg})' ' ]]
+ then dep_chain="$(sed "s| ${found_repo}/${dep_pkg}$| ${dep_repo}/${dep_pkg}|" <<<${dep_chain})"
+ else continue
+ fi
+ if IsArchRepo ${dep_repo}
then ArchDependents+=( "${dep_chain}" )
else ParabolaDependents+=( "${dep_chain}" )